Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Kirsten!

So today was Kirsten's birthday party. I can't believe she is 2 years old. That to me is crazy.. My how fast time goes. I wasn't feelin my best unfortunately as yes its confirmed I am indeed pregnant again. I was still excited to see everyone. It's the one time of the year that you can count on seeing old friends you haven't seen forever. Kirsten was adorable as ever, she got some pretty great gifts. Taylor's favorite was the Tinkerbell 4 wheeler, super cute.
We visited for awhile, and enjoyed some delcious chocolate cake and ice cream. Kirsten didn't finish hers, so Taylor felt the need too... silly girl. The party was pretty quickly rushed as Brack was leaving that same day!!! But it was great to see everyone. So much fun!!

Kirsten and her mommy opening presents

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