Saturday, March 28, 2009

Our silly girl!!

Taylor being so silly, she is wearing my mixin bowl on her head, what a strange lil girl.

Hmmmm I wonder where she gets it from...hahahaha

Monday, March 23, 2009

We have Movement!!!

Im feeling the baby move alot!!.. for the last week, it was just an occasional here and there movement.. but now its just about all the time =) forgot how that felt. Just had to let everyone know.. it's real, we are about 20 weeks 2 days... and I can feel baby #2 moving!! yikes!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Potty Trainee......

Taybugz and Daddy.. she is so proud of her pink pull ups, but she won't wear pants with them. lol.

That's right Taylor is offically a potty trainee... started March 9th 2009. She has her potty chair, we bought flushable wipes, a special hand soap, mommy made her a potty chart. Im so excited about this. I was nervous as heck to start, cuz i wasn't sure what I was gettin myself into. My biggest fear was to do it wrong, the last thing that I wanted to do was ruin the experience for her. I've done alot of reading, alot of studying, I don't feel completely ready, but if I don't start now, i never will. So Im jumpin in with both feet and im not lookin back!!
Taylor seems to be very excited about it, so hopefully it will be a success...

She kept wanting me to take pictures of her on the potty... silly girl!! not shy is she??. lol

We've been potty training for a few weeks now, we had a little bit of a set back, our 3rd day into taylor got really sick, and she wanted nothing to do with the potty, all she wanted to do was lay on the couch drink gatorade... poor baby. But we got through it and while she was sick of course Im pumpin her full of liquids and so she just wore a diaper... so due to that, she's really resisting. So im laying off, almost wondering if I should just back off and try again later after her birthday!

And then about another week later and she proved me wrong, she decided that she was ready. And she has been doin GREAT!!... go taybugz.. she is goin potty at least once a day! Im so proud of her!!.. And she is quite proud of herself =)

Taylor's Progress Report... she gets bored with the same chart, so we have diff ones
Look how good she is gettin. Im so proudsee my chart!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Welcome Baby Kystin!!!

Kystin was born today @ 3:34pm. ! I wish i could have been there!! he's a lil guy. He weighs 5 lbs. 13oz. and is 17 1/2 inches long... Congrats May Family!! he's perfect! Can't wait to see him!!