Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter Taybugz!

Happy EAster!!
So we are leaving today, goin home, yippy!! something i always look forward too, besides the trip there...

Taylor's Easter went well, we didn't really do to much. i really wanted to take her to an easter egg hunt at a park or something, but had no clue when one was goin on, and by the time i found out, it was too late, they were all over hopefully I will be able to plan ahead next year. Easter kind of snuck up on me this time. The weather wasn't great, so we had a lil egg hunt in the house, and i didn't even have to tell her what to do, she was sittin in her highchair eating breakfast, and spotted one... when she was done, she found them one right after another, i had to keep tellin her that there was more, and she got a special easter basket left at the door from the easter bunny =), she was pretty stoked about that. But that is all that we really did. it was still fun!!

I tried to snap a picture of it before she got to

Look mommy what I found..

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