Friday, April 17, 2009

Could it be... is it Spring??

I had the stupid stomach flu the last few days..which always gets in the way of things.. Taylor is feeling much much better. What a beautiful week have been having, the sun is shining and its warm out, im starting to think that spring is coming!! I've just been cleaning house, gettin ready for company, we got to spend alot of time outside! Mom and coley came into town on the 16th, but they went straight to my aunt debs. Im so jealous that I don't get to go. One of the funniest things ever is gettin all of us together up at my aunt debs =) Sometimes i feel left out when they go without me, and I know i have my own family now days, so it just gets crowded if i was to go when they went... and my family just keeps on growing.. =) Anyways.. I took taylor outside pretty much all day on Thursday we snapped a couple of pictures of her playing and being herself. My goal was to get her dressed up in her tinkerbell costume and try to take pictures myself for her invites.. the only thing holding me up on sending out her birthday invites are those dang pictures!!.. but of course she really didn't want to put on the costume, she just wanted to go outside and play, so i didn't make her. But i did get some pretty cute pictures.. and they really do capture her Besides she is wearing tinkerbell sunglasses, couldn't get her to take them off. lol.

She has so much fun outside.
Well mom and coley are suppose to be comin to stay with us on Saturday! Bummer we only get them for one day, but oh well. Even though I go to idaho all the time, and stay a week here and there at my moms, its just different from when they come to visit us here!!.. So Im excited to see them Saturday, Brian is goin to BBQ! Yum!!.. and taylor and I are goin to make a yummy strawberry cheesecake!!

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