Saturday, September 20, 2008

Welcome to Our Life!!

We are your one of a kind family. I will give you a quick run down on how we became who we are today. Brian and I met in Jr. High he was my best friends boyfriend. lol. Always a friend to me. After high school Brian made his dream come true about traveling the world and seeing many places, He enlisted into the United States Navy. Which he has been in for 5 years and still counting. I came across the where abouts of Brian on myspace through who other than my best friend Jennie Deaver. We emailed back and forth and kept in contact and it turned out that he was comin back to Idaho that weekend, we met up down town Boise, and the rest is history...
I quit my job, packed up my things, and moved to Virginia. Where Brian was to be stationed. We fell in love like never before, he became my friend, my soulmate, my better half, my lovbucket. As cheesey as this will sound, he completes me. I honestly can't imagine life with no one but him. He proposed... and I said YES!!!!

We married September 21, 2006 in the state of Virginia. In fact yesterday was our 2 year anniversary!!... Brian was deployed for months while I was pregnant with our daughter. Lucky for all of us, he made it back in time for her to be born.

Meet Taylor Nicole Brannam...

Born May 15th 2007 @ 9:31 pm she was 8 lbs 7 oz and 21.5 inches long. I had never fallen in love so hard with baby blue eyes. Taylor is our whole world.. We moved to Norfolk, Va for bout a year. Taylor today is now 16 months and one smart cookie. The life of a toddler, keeps goin and goin and goin.....well into the night, wakes up the next morning and keeps goin and goin...

We currently have a house in Pendleton, OR, we love it. And Can't wait to move in to it. We will be settleing down all over again, and continuing life in a new home and a new place. Brian is the new Navy recruiter in town and we are the new family in town....!!.. We are very excited for our new adventure. Look Out Oregon the Brannams Have Arrived!!

Hope you all enjoy our blog as much as I have enjoyed puttin it together!

These are just a couple of pictures of Taylor at 16 months, what she is today!!..
My little girl is all grown up!!... This is her cheese face =)


3 boys in 3 years said...

Hey chica!! You already figured it out now fill me in LOL ... email me or myspace me :)

lydia +1 said...

I'm so excited you started a blog... I love you girlie!!!

Anonymous said...

I love everything you have done on your blog, cant wait to read it everyday. This way I will never fall behind on whats going on in the Brannam family lives.