Saturday, August 8, 2009

Days with Jackson!! Proud big sister!!

the big question.... How does taylor do with new baby??/ she does awesome... she always wants to hold him, she gives him kisses, tells him lots of stories, reads books to him... she talks the poor kids head off!!... she is so helpful, and she just wants to do everything for baby jackson!

I love seeing her with him, cuz she is just so gentle and loving to him... =) makes us feel good!!.. although she still seems to think he is taylors baby!!...

and when he crys, she ask him whats the matter baby??.. and gives him a kiss and says its all better now... best big sister ever!! lets hope it stays that way.. she has yet to help us give him a bath, she already helps with the diaper changes!!... =)


Mitch said...

YAY!!! Congrats...He is really cute! Good job!


Mama Yo said...

Hey there! Just wanted to let you know that you are the big WINNER of the Doodle Beads Birthday Bash Giveaway! Email us at fabulesslyfrugal at gmail dot com so we can hook you up!!