Saturday, August 8, 2009

HE's HERE.... Baby boy brannam!!

first outfit ... to go home in!!

wow did not realize exactly how far behind i really am on this blog, i have some major catchin up to do. luckily that time will be comin soon. I just need to pull myself away from the coupon mom blogs, and work on my

well anyways.. one reason for this post... HE IS HERE!!!... Jackson Zander Brannam welcomed us on Wednesday July 29th @ 9:14am. He was 8 lbs 6 oz and 18 inches. Gorgeous perfect lil guy!!.. Unfortunately considering the circumstances, i only got to see him for about 2 seconds..

when we went in for our last doctor appointment on monday we found out that this lil guy wasn't goin to be able to come out on his own or naturally. Our plan was to get induced wednesday morning, and have him au natural.. no drugs no nothin.. much like his sister!!.. only thing was when the doctor checked my cervix she wasnt feeling nothin, so we to the ultrasound room to get a quick glimpse of his position... and low and behold wouldn't you know.. he was transverse again.. well her words exactly was oblique. his head was by my right rib, and his butt was on my left hip.. and there wasn't even fluid to push him down into head first... without the risk of his heartbeat slowing down to nothin... he wasn't breech, he wasn't anything.. that left us with one option and one options only... my biggest fear... c-section!!... my heart dropped, i couldn't even believe this was happening... perfectly healthy pregnancy, everything goin so good... but he was stuck.. poor lil guy's head was trapped between my hips and ribs....

so wednesday at 6 am brian and i drove to the hospital, to prep and get ready for my schedule c section.. i was starving, and scared out of my mind.. in no rush what so ever.. regretting every step closer to the operating room. can't even put into words how terrified i was...

my doctor was delivering a baby at the time of my c section, so we were un able to go in until 9am. Brian said it went so fast... i was shaking with fear as they rolled my bed into the operating room to get my spinal... ahhhhhhhhhh wondering the entire time.. where is brian, where is he?? why is he not in here??.. and they said that he couldn't come in until the prepping was done... spinal not so bad, at least not what i was expecting ... then everything started to go numb.. couldn't feel a thing.. so i started to panic, and i felt like i was goin to pass out.. the strangest thing is to be laying there wondering what the heck they are doin, you can't feel a thing, just that your body is being jerked around... and then all of a sudden you hear a baby cry.. instantly i was bawling my eyes out... and they said he was so perfect and such a beautiful baby boy, and held him across the room to show me... they did take my oxygen mask off so i could giv him a kiss.. and off he went.. and brian too!!!... it was over... crazy.. and the whole time, my doctors and nurses carried on an every day conversation... i think about blueberries... lol.

i think it was about 45 minutes later i was able to see my baby and husband... still couldn't feel a dang thing.. i even had a hard time holding my baby as my arms were pretty weak...
but i must say the whole thing wasn't as bad as i was expecting.. even the recovery has gone better than it did with taylor...

now im just sittin at my moms itchin to get out and about... tired of being cooped up in the house.. but i have the sweetest baby boy asleep on my chest... so curled up and snoozing away... he seriously is perfect... course all he really likes to is eat and eat and eat... he likes to sleep too... but mostly eat. lol. he is an awesome sleeper, sleeps really good thru the night... he has the punniest lil cry.. and he has the cutest sneezes... he's perfect!!..

Jackson Zander.. poor lil guy. the bruise on his head is from my hip =(

precious dark blue eyes.

Auntie coley, taybugz and jackson... taylor loves him

Taybugz meets her lil brother
taylor says "Taylors baby"

Taking baby Jackson home... well to grandmas house..


lydia +1 said...

congrats. I'm soglad everything went good. He is such a perfect baby.

Ali Smith said...

Yay! Congratulations you guys! I hope everything continues to go well and I'm glad to hear Taylor is doing so well. :)