Friday, October 31, 2008

TinkerBell Friday!!

Taylor finally got her Tinkerbell Movie,

she was so excited, she held it through the entire shopping trip, and she has even fallin asleep with it in her arms.. She always wants to watch it, she brings it to me at least twice a day!! I think we have a lil TinkerBell fan on our hands here. lol. We picked up her costume, which she also held in her arms the entire time we were at the store... she of course was TinkerBell... the cutest TinkerBell alive!!

After we spent almost all our time shoppin friday.. we got home to find out we were most likely not goin to get tricker treaters ... which i wouldn't blame them, we have a long drive way to our house.. So now im left with a huge bowl full of candy... anyone want some??

With moving into a new town, and not knowing anyone, we decided to stay in for Halloween. However as sad as that sounds, we made it super super fun!!... Not to mention it was incredibly freezing outside, and while i was bringing in the grocerys it was POURIN down RAIN!!!... Not to worry i had help, Taylor lol. she helped one bag at a time!!!>..

Once we were inside and dry again, We put Taybugz in her TinkerBell costume... cutest thing ever! She loved it, even the wings.. she pranced around like a dancin fairy..

she is flying!

Daddy got home, we had some yummy dinner... and then the fun begins!!... (oh and ps. we were so stoked to have daddy home early)

While we put away groceries and daddy cooked a delicious dinner, taybugz kept herself busy by coloring in her tinkerbell coloring book... and then later munchin on her

She knew she wasn't suppose to be eating her crayons, that is why she has that innocent look on her at her super cute candy bucket, or in this case crayon bucket!!!...

I couldn't resist!! it was too perfect, and she loves it!!... spoiled you say?? nah of course not!!

Goin all out for Halloween this year, helped make us feel better about not makin it to Idaho!! Sorry Idaho friends, we wanted to spend Halloween weekend there with all of you all... but we weren't for sure if Brian was workin Saturday!!...

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